Friday, March 25, 2011

from zero to something

haaaa sini saye, nk bagi beberapa guideline untuk newbies. sy ulangi NEWBIES yang tatau langsong pasal exposure.
ade short article pasal exposure kt sini so rerajin la ek bace

 pendek cite, exposure ni sebenarnye ade la gabungan 3 elemen.
1. shutter speed
2. ISO
3. Aperture

tapaham? hmm cmne nk terang kan eh? nilai exposure ni kalau di nilai pade light meter, deowang akan bagi nilai nilai yg tertentu ntok setting, ok sebagai contoh, gambar bwh ni
Exif dia adela
Shutter Speed 1/200
Aperture : 2.8
ISO : 200
Sori la gambo black and white. haaaa sini sy set nilai exposure dia pada paras 0. lihat teliti gambar ini dimana shadow tidak terlalu kasar, Highlight pon kira ngam ngam soi la pada mata saya. dgn setting atas no, kira ok la kot. haaa tapaham gak? meh saya ajar depan2 :D

anyway, ntok mengetahui perbezaan ISO, Aperture, Shutter speed, haaa saya ade satu assignment ntok korang. dlu saya pon bwt gak bende ni. so kira ni ilmu turun menurun la ni.... 

sori versi english rojak. malas lak nk edit. copy paste je dr notepad saya ni :P

first class from me :P (self teaching la)
find one subject that is still, not moving if possible, get a tripod for better result. if u choose tree as ur subject, then three will be ur subject until the end of the class.

set ur M to ur camera. set it
ISO - 200
Aperture (F) - 8
shutter speed (SS) - 1/60

first shoot the subject (In this cases i put three as subject) for the guideline. used the setting above. for example here i said, image are dark (result may varies as u shoot in differ condition and etc)

1st step, u adjust ISO only until u get the brightness level u like.
then set it back to initial setting

2nd, back to the initial setting, then adjust only Shutterspeed until the result u like
then set it back to initial setting.

3rd step, with the initial setting i gv at first, but now adjust only aperture until the level u like. this is the most tricky part as the kit lens lowest aperture is at F3.5. SOME condition, u might cant cope with this situation. this is where the part u need to know which one u need to be adjust either ur shutter speed or ur ISO. know what u want to shoot.

last step is upload the photo u satisfied most for 1,2 and 3 step. see the different between them. u see what impact u when u increase ISO, SS and aperture. then eventually u will know the different :)

p/s used ur metering there :)

my result saying that
1 - increasing ISO will increasing noise (graining image)
2 - slowing shutter speed will make the subject moving (not freezing)
3 - lowering F stop will reduce my depth of field (DOF)

thats why i said it is important to know [B]what outcome u want[/B] in order to know the right setting. it will be vary one person to others as people has different like.

for event shoot, some1 told me that 3 important thing to get when u already improve for the above class
1 - biar gmbar sempit jangan bising (mean small DOF)
1 - biar gambar bising jangan bergerak (blur blur image)
2 - biar gambar bergerak jangan gelap (if dark image, what u will see? nothing except black rite?)

but for landscape,
normally they will refer to large DOF as u want the whole part clear. but some people like small DOF as they want to prioritize something in their image like a car infront, flower and etc.

for potrait, i will prefer small DOF. it is because i want to isolate the subject and the background. but at certain photo, i will set it to bigger DOF.

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