Thursday, October 27, 2011

Beauty and the Angel

Photographer : @Isepunye (CSP Studio)
Talent : Nur Shazlyn (@PinkLynnnn)
MUA : Nur Shazlyn (@pinkLynnn)

All photo is under copyright reserved. do not use the photo for any purpose without any written release agreement from the photographer and the talent. 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Me and Artist at #OctTwtFest

With Mimi (One Nation Emcee)
 With with @ZandraAziela @ZarinaAnjoulie9 @maryambayam @faliqfahmie
 With Altimet
 with Hanie Hidayah
 With One Nation Emcee, Azreel Azhar and Khairil Azkar